Monday, January 14, 2008

Subscribing to Feeds

I researched the topic of 'subscribing' to this blog somewhat extensively. Here's what I can tell you:

To subscribe to the posts of this blog
Use the link at the bottom of the page where it says:

To subscribe to the comments of this blog
Use this URL in whatever site you use for feeds -

I wish it were more intuitive...


Saturday, January 5, 2008

a special topic

Well, the holidays left me with some time to read and thus I finished the book. Are we ready to share thoughts? One way I thought we could share thoughts if not everyone is done is put what page we have read up till at the top of our post or comment, especially if it might reveal any information that would spoil others' reading enjoyment. If you are just commenting about general things, literary technique, or something non-plot specific, then you don't have to do this. Or maybe everyone is done with the book.

One specific question I have right now is mainly for Lara and is about the setting. The author is from Asheville, and it seems like the book draws a lot from the area. Are there any things in the book that are very Ashevillian? Any references to places that really exist?

Friday, November 16, 2007


So Disappointing That It Is Actually Painful Writing This:

The title of a one-star review for our first book club book:
Special Topics in Calamity Physics

Should be available at your local library.

Lyle's Constant

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Book 1: The Yiddish Policemen's Union

The book Dukes recommended (The Yiddish Policemen's Union)
apparently has a lot of yiddish in it, which might make it harder to
read/less interesting for those of us who aren't Adam Charnack.

The Names that Never Were

Some Book Club names that didn't make the cut:

Book Hooker(ers)
Fuck it
Irreverent innuendos
Tryin to catch me readin wordys
Being Literate: A Departure
Hook Book Fuckers
Being Literate: A Book Hook(ers) Departure
The Thoughts of Book Hook(ers)
Bookers Title: Another Departure

Got any others?